Lost in translation nº 3
- ISCED 5A Programmes that are largely theoretically based and are intended to provide sufficient qualifications for gaining entry into advanced research programmes and professions with high skills requirements. Duration categories: Medium: 3 to less than 5 years; Long: 5 to 6 years; Very long: More than 6 years.
- ISCED 5B Programmes that are generally more practical/technical/occupationally specific than ISCED 5A programmes. Duration categories: Short: 2 to less than 3 years; 3 to less than 5 years; Long: 5 to 6 Years; Very long: More than 6 years.
- "ISCED level 5B programmes are rarely structured in bachelor/master levels. In the majority of signatory countries, higher education provision is divided between academic/theoretically-based programmes (ISCED 5A) and practically oriented professional/vocational programmes" (ISCED 5B).
Para ambos subsistemas nacionais de ensino superior, a respeito desta questão, a confusão instala-se quando em documentos internacionais - por exemplo numa publicação da Rede Eurydice (a) a respeito do Processo de Bolonha - "Focus on the Structure of Higher Education in Europe. 2006/07. National Trends in the Bologna Process"- http://www.eurydice.org/ressources/eurydice/pdf/0_integral/086EN.pdf - se podem também ler, com base em informações nacionais, as seguintes duas frases incongruentes, entre si, e também com o que sabemos se está a preparar internamente, em Portugal:
- 1 - In the majority of signatory countries, higher education provision is divided between academic/theoretically-based programmes (ISCED 5A) and practically oriented professional/vocational programmes (ISCED 5B – see Glossary definition of ISCED 1997). In some countries, ISCED 5A and 5B programmes are provided by different types of institutions (university and non-university, respectively). However, this ‘binary’ form of organisation is changing; it is increasingly common for universities and non-university institutions to offer programmes at both levels. Furthermore, the two programme levels are gradually becoming more similar to each other in terms of curriculum, orientation and learning outcomes. Thus in 2006/07, thirteen countries (Armenia, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Greece, Holy See, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Portugal and Russia) recognise all undergraduate higher education study programmes as ISCED level 5A, even if they are provided by nonuniversity higher education institutions. (Página 21.)
- 2 - Doctorates are regulated by the 2006 decree-law. There are doctoral programmes as recommended in the Bergen Communique, and it is expected that their numbers will grow in the near future. Their minimum duration is three years. It is possible to embark on a doctorate after obtaining a first-cycle ISCED 5A (licenciado) qualification; this depends, however, on a case-by-case analysis of the curriculum. (Página 256).
- São imprecisões como estas que me induzem descrença nos verdadeiros objectivos das propostas do sector, e no rigor, ou falta deste, que as circunstâncias nacionais pareceriam exigir.
- Pergunto-me também como seria aconselhável, ou sequer possível e, sob diversas circunstâncias como a aqui descrita - a uma Universidade ou a um Politécnico traçarem as suas estratégias mesmo de forma genérica de forma a serem, efectivamente, úteis ao país e reforçarem a sua própria dignidade institucional ao projectarem ou enunciarem as suas missões?
- Compreendo as dificuldades da tutela, mas recuso-me teerminantemente a aceitar que as transfira e multiplique por todo o ensino superior nacional que, sob incerteza e na melhor das hipóteses, está sendo progressiva e rapidamente paralisado.
(a) Eurydice is an institutional network for gathering, monitoring, processing and circulating reliable and readily comparable information on education systems and policies throughout Europe. Eurydice covers the education systems of the Member States of the European Union, the three countries of the European Free Trade Association which are members of the European Economic Area, and the EU candidate countries involved in the Socrates Programme
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